Tropical Popical & my Irish Times Debut

I'd like to say a huge thanks to Tropical Popical for hosting us and to everyone who came out to our Get Nailed event. It was absolutely Baltic out and the traffic was chaotic to say the least after the water protests, so I really appreciate the extra effort you all made to lash on the extra layers and come down. And to top the evening off, I got a lovely visit from the Irish Times who interviewed me for a short video feature!

I was delighted to see so many familiar faces from Twitter, and have the chats with folks while they shopped for sex toys. The most popular items on the night were the Tenga Iroha mini vibe, Sliquid Silk lubricant, Sir Richard's' Condoms, and the Tenga Egg. Here's a few of my favourite tweets from the evening:

I had an amazing time and I’d love to do more events like this in the new year, so if you’ve a shop or boutique or design studio and you’d like to collaborate, please get in touch with me at If you missed our Get Nailed event and you’d like me to keep you up to date on future Sex Siopa events, you can sign up for my monthly newsletter at the bottom of this page. I promise I only send it out once a month and only when I’ve something cool to say.