Web Awards Finalist 2014 - free Tenga Iroha Mini or Fun Factory Booty with an order over €100
Well, here we go again folks. Sex Siopa has once again made it to the Finals of the Web Awards! And once again, I can hardly believe it. This year, the competition has been so fierce, the category I'm in, eCommerce Micro, had to be split into 2 to accommodate all the amazing websites who entered.
Of course when you've spent as many sleepless nights as we have upgrading and updating, you're going to be a bit biased towards your own site. Fingers crossed all that hard work translates into an award!
In the mean time though, let's celebrate getting into the Finals. From now till the Awards, when you spend €100 or more, get your choice of a free Tenga Iroha Mini vibrator or a Fun Factory Bootie worth €25. Just mention which one you'd like in the "Customer Comments" when you place the order.