Bitcoin, winning, and trade shows
Holy moly! I've had some of the craziest 2 weeks I think I've had since Sex Siopa began!
First off, let's talk nerd news. I'm a self-confessed sex nerd, and I've always noticed links between the design, internet, creative and dating cultures. Being someone who likes to mash up and combine people's geekery, I've decided to start accepting Bitcoin. Also because let's face it, when our A.I. robot overlords take control of the planet, Bitcoin will be the only accepted currency, so I might as well get in there ahead of the crowd.
In other crazy-OMG-I-can't-believe-I-won news, I won the IE Domain's Registry's Optimise Fund. The IEDR are the folks in charge of protecting, supporting and promoting the online presence of all .ie domain names. Every year they help a handful of Irish online businesses with their Optimise Fund which means €10,000 worth of consultancy for each of the winners. For some reason, of over 170 applications this year, Sex Siopa was one of the 15 businesses picked. I'm so grateful to the IEDR for this opportunity. I cannot wait to start working with my consultants!
And finally, what is everyone up to at the end of the month? No plans? Got plans? Well change them (it's for your own good) and come see some cool sex toys at the Sex Siopa booth at the Ultimate Girls Day Out in the RDS! The UGDO runs from the 22-24 of August and you can get your tickets here. I've also got a pair of tickets to give away to one lucky person who signs up for the Sex Siopa newsletter over the next 2 weeks - you can sign up here.